PRACTICE makes perfect? - Schedule update
They seem to have updated the schedule for PRACTICE with some more detail...
Lecture (Reiner Knizia): A detailed case study of a best-selling board game design
Not sure which game they're referring to, but it's Knizia, so it's probably one of his (Lord of the Rings? Ra? Tigris & Euphrates? Samurai?). Hopefully it's not something I've heard before (I've heard Knizia speak at a few conventions over the years, and after a while it seemed like he was saying a lot of the same stuff).
Panel: State of the Art Techniques: Best-practice methods for creating great games
Still not sure if this won't be geared toward video game design or programming, but there might be some tips in there, some best-practice methods I could incorporate into my process.
Lecture (Steve Gaynor): Helping Your Players Find Their Own Way - Lessons from Bioshock and other titles in progression gating and player tools.
Another one potentially geared toward video games, but the interaction with the player is common across both video games and board games.
Panel: Designers, Players - Fight! Tournament players and developers on designing for expert play in fighting games.
I am seeing a trend here...
I suspect that this panel provides some interesting insight into what competitive players are looking for during a game. I think I generally use that sort of approach when I design (what will the players be thinking as they play), so maybe this will help.
Open Problems: A structured "open mic" session in which conference attendees present works in progress and share design problems for discussion and feedback.
This sounds pretty great! If I get a chance, the first thing that comes to mind which I'd like to get people's opinion on is this: How do designers feel about the inevitable request by players to add direct interaction into a euro-style game? Would they dare try? How can it be done without "ruining" the game?
Specifically I'm of course talking about Eminent Domain here. The game has barely hit the shelves, and already there are multiple threads on adding player vs player combat or attacking other players' planets. I have some thoughts on how I might like to add this in an expansion, but I'd love to see what I can glean from other designers in this regard.
In addition, it might be neat to hear how other designers feel about Expansions, and what makes a good expansion.
Lecture (Rogers Redding): The Game Design of Football: Evolving the rules of a nation's favorite sport.
I think this will be interesting, though perhaps not terribly useful. I play Ultimate which, like Football or any sport, is loaded with all kinds of rules to govern specific situations. It will be interesting to hear how they deal with that for a big-money sport like Football with lots at stake.
Panel: Game Design and Programming: A debate on the intersection and relevance of coding and design.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I suspect this will be more heavily geared toward programming, and therefore may be of little use to me. Hopefully I can learn something that will help with digital implementation of board games or something like that.
Lecture (Matt Boch): Break it down: How Harmonix and Kinext taught the world to dance.
Not sure what fruit this may bear - perhaps some understanding in how people as a whole behave and react to things like games?
I'm still excited to go to PRACTICE next week, but I remain skeptical that it will, in the end, be worth the cost of admission. Hopefully I can glean enough info off of the Video Game focused discussion to make it worth my while. I guess we'll have to wait and see!