Crusaders coming to life! Artist/Graphic Designer needed!
I'm happy to say that my Knights Templar themed game, Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, will be moving forward toward production!
I am looking for an artist and graphic designer to head up the graphic look of this project. That is to say that I need either...
* A person who is both an artist and a graphic designer, or
* Two people, one of which is an artist and the other is a graphic designer, or
* A graphic designer who has a network of artist from which to draw
I am contacting some of the usual people TMG uses, but with all the projects in the works right now we could use more artists and graphic designers!
So if you follow me, are a fan of TMG (or of Seth Jaffee), and if you're a professional artist/graphic designer who does work on board games, and if you want to bid on this project, please contact me with your portfolio.
Thanks in advance, I'm excited to see this one move forward!
And if you're interested in last minute blind testing, let me know in the comments.