Saturday, July 20, 2024

Asking AI for help with a theme

I'm sure some specifics could be better, but I'm pretty happy with Division of Labor currently. I think its *weakest* point might be thematic consonance, rather than some mechanical or balance failing.

As I sit on this airplane, waiting for them to fix a broken overhead bin, I decided to try asking ChatGPT to help me with the theme of this game. I briefly described the idea I'm currently using (voyagers finding new islands everywhere they roam), and I uploaded the rulebook. This is what it came up with (and it's not bad!):


In a time long forgotten, five great tribes set sail across uncharted seas in search of new lands to call home. These tribes, bound by ancient pacts and a shared desire for prosperity, discovered a vast archipelago filled with lush islands, each brimming with potential. As the chieftains of these tribes, players must explore these new islands, extract resources, build settlements, and develop the land to honor their ancestors and ensure their tribe's legacy.


Players are the heads of powerful tribal families, each with their unique skills and abilities. They journey together but compete to prove who can best lead their tribe by strategically splitting and choosing resources, placing workers, and developing the newly found islands.

Key Elements:

  1. Voyaging and Discovery:

    • Each round, new islands are revealed, representing the ever-expanding frontier the tribes are exploring. This keeps the game dynamic and emphasizes the ongoing adventure and discovery.
  2. Tribal Leadership and Worker Placement:

    • As chieftains, players send their workers to various islands to gather resources, build structures, and train their people. The worker placement mechanism reflects the strategic allocation of the tribe's members to maximize efficiency and development.
  3. Resource Management and Development:

    • The I-Cut-You-Choose mechanism ties into the theme of tribal fairness and strategic decision-making. When players split resources, they must carefully consider the needs of their tribe and the potential benefits for their rivals.
  4. Cultural Heritage and Storytelling:

    • Integrate a storytelling element where each action taken on an island represents a story or legend being told within the tribe, enhancing the theme of cultural heritage and the passing down of knowledge.

Thematic Blurb:

"In 'Division of Labor: Voyagers of the New World,' you are the chieftain of a proud tribe, navigating the vast ocean to discover and develop uncharted islands. Lead your people wisely, gather resources, build thriving settlements, and train your warriors and scholars. Every decision echoes through the generations, shaping the future of your tribe. Will your name be remembered as the greatest chieftain of all?"

Game Actions and Theme Integration:

  1. Recruit (Red):

    • Call upon the strength of your tribe, drawing new warriors and workers from the action bag to bolster your ranks.
  2. Build (Green):

    • Erect structures that will stand the test of time, from simple huts to grand monuments, each contributing to your tribe’s growth and prosperity.
  3. Extract (Blue):

    • Harvest the abundant resources of the islands, ensuring your tribe has the materials needed for survival and advancement.
  4. Train (Yellow):

    • Educate and train your tribe members, advancing their skills and knowledge to better prepare them for the challenges ahead.
  5. Explore (Any Color):

    • Venture into the unknown, uncovering new lands and opportunities for your tribe to exploit and develop.

Visual and Component Suggestions:

  • Game Board: A beautifully illustrated map of an archipelago with lush, vibrant islands.
  • Island Tiles: Each tile representing different types of islands with unique resources and opportunities.
  • Action Cubes and Worker Pawns: Designed to look like tribal artifacts and members.
  • Player Boards: Depicting the progress and achievements of each tribe, with spaces for buildings and tracks for training and resources.

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